Saturday, August 31, 2019

Christopher Marlowe Works During The Renaissance

Many major and influential authors emerged during the Renaissance. Among these talented individuals was Christopher Marlowe. Marlowe and his fellow writers of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, impacted the course of writing, which preceded their life. Their works continue to be read and studied by numerous people, to this day. Christopher Marlowe was a dominant English poet and playwright, who perhaps was William Shakespeare†s most important predecessor in England (Britannica 917). Of all writers in the Elizabethan era, he was perhaps the most dashing, tempestuous, and appealing (Microsoft Encarta). Although Marlowe was considered the most important dramatist, prior to Shakespeare, his entire career as a playwright lasted only six years. Marlowe was born on February 6th, 1564 in Canterbury, England. His father, John Marlowe, was a shoemaker and tanner. His mother, Catherine Author, was the daughter of a clergyman. Marlowe attended Kings School in Canterbury, England. At Kings School, he received a very regimented education, which was considered one of the best available during that time. The school day began and ended with a prayer at six am and five p. m. respectively. In addition to daily instruction in religion and music, they also sang the morning mass in the Cathedral. The boys were allowed to speak solely in Latin, even while at play. He was granted a scholarship, established by Matthew Perry, to attend Corpus Christi College in Cambridge. (Gale Research) After receiving his BA in 1584, he became known as â€Å"Dominus† Marlowe(. At age twenty-one, his motto was â€Å"That which nourishes me, destroys me† (Kunitz 823). This statement foretold and shaped his writing style. From thereafter, many absences from the university were recorded. In 1587, he was allowed to obtain his Masters, only after the Privy Council sent a letter to the university making it very clear that his service to the government had frequently taken him abroad. He left Cambridge after six and a half years of study with the intention of taking holy orders and entering the Anglican Church, as ordained by his scholarship. However, instead he entered the government service, as an agent. In edition, Marlowe became a playwright for the London theatres. As an occasional actor in 1589, Marlowe maintained his role as a regular dramatist for the Lord Admirals Company. He also wrote for The Earl of Nottinghams Companies. Marlowe was often in trouble with the law, and little is known about his life, aside from his writings. He led an adventurous and dissolute life. Earlier playwrights concentrated on comedy, while Marlowe worked on tragedy, and advanced it considerably as a dramatic medium. By uncovering the great possibilities for strength and variety of expression in blank verse, Marlowe helped to establish the verse as the predominant form in the English drama. His first successful play, Tamburlaine the Great, was divided into two sections, parts one and two. It appeared that originally Marlowe intended to only write the first part. However, the popularity of the first part motivated him to create a second part. It was produced at Rose Theatre from 1587 to 1588, and published by R. Jhones in 1590. The ambition-maddened hero, in Tamburlaine the Great, was a shepherd, who desired the crown, luxury and power. However, his conquests were damaged by his absurdity. Tamburlaine marked the birth of the Shakespearean drama. The following lines from Tamburlaine illustrate Marlowe†s opinion of human glory: Nature that fram†d us of four elements Warring within our breasts for regiment, Doth teach us all to have aspiring minds: Our souls, whose faculties can comprehend The wondrous architecture of the world, And measure every wandering planet†s course, Still climbing after knowledge infinite, And always moving as the restless spheres, Wills us to wear ourselves and never rest, That perfect bliss and sole felicity, The sweet fruitition of an earthly crown. (Britannica 917) His masterpiece, The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, told of a man selling his soul for the price of all knowledge. This appealed to the superstitious Elizabethans. It was produced in 1594 as Dr. Faustus at the Rose Theatre. V. Simmes published The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus in 1604. The following lines from this work show the possible redemption through Christ†s blood: The stars move still, time runs, the clock will strike, The devil will come, and Faustus must be damn†d. O, I†ll leap up to my God! -Who pulls me down? – See, see, where Christ†s blood streams in the firmament! One drop would save my soul, half a drop: ah, my Christ! – Ah, rend not my heart for naming of my Christ! Yet will I call on him: O, spare me, Lucifer! – Where is it now? 'tis gone: and see, where God Stretcheth out his arm, and bends his ireful brows! Mountains and hills, come, come, and fall on me, And hide me from the heavy wrath of God! (Britannica 918) In addition to writing plays, Marlowe also wrote poetry. His major poetic work was Hero and Leander. This was incomplete at his death, the first two sections were completed at his death and the remaining two were finished by George Chapman in 1598, almost five years after Marlowe†s death. Marlowes writing here shows an amazing skill in the management of the narrative decasyllable couplet. No agreement was reached as to the composition date of this poem, but it is ranked as a major work along with Tamburlaine and Faustus. Marlowe began writing poetry and performing plays, when he entered Kings School. His education shaped him to become the genius who first created the Shakespearean blank verse drama. This is why many hailed him as â€Å"The Morning Star†, of the turning point from comedy to drama in England (Marlowe Society Home Page). Marlowe had a dangerous reputation for being â€Å"atheist†; however, he could have had just unorthodox beliefs. He was aquatinted with Sir Walter Raleigh, who was adventurous in his religious beliefs. Marlowe was summoned on May 18th, 1593, to appear before the Privy Council for accounts of â€Å"atheism and immortality†. The charge was a heresy and a most serious crime; the ultimate penalty was burning at the stake. Despite the seriousness of the crime, Marlowe was released bail, however he had to appear at the court daily. Marlowe escaped to Debtford, England. He stayed at Dame Eleanor Bull†s house who hired out rooms and served meals. Marlowe was murdered there on May 30th, 1593, at age 29. The strange circumstances for Marlowes murder in that room in Debtford, have been the subject for many debates. Four men were present at the house on that day Robert Poley was an experienced government agent who carried the Queens most secret letters to and from the courts in Europe. He had arrived from Debtford, straight from The Hague, where he had been on the Queens business. Igram Frizer was the personal servant and business agent of Marlowe†s patron, Thomas Walsingham. Nicholas Skeres often assisted Poley. Poley, Skeres and Frizer were all experienced con men and liars. Also present that day was Christopher Marlowe. Some believe that the cause of his murder was a dispute over a dinner bill. Others believed that Marlowe was murdered because the three men believed that he knew too much about the government. Although the facts surrounding his death are unknown, the end result was Marlowe†s death by stab wounds. Igram Frizer was accused of the murder of Marlowe, however he was pardoned on June 28th, 1593. Marlowe was buried in Debtford on June 1st, 1593. The death of Christopher Marlowe led many scholars to theorize that he faked his death and assumed the name William Shakespeare to escape the Privy Council. Shakespeare was born two months after Marlowe, and he became very popular shortly after the death of Marlowe. Little is known about Shakespeare other then mentioned of his poor education. There is not much evidence of his existence other then baptism paper, and a will left leaving his bed to his wife. There is no mention of his works or manuscripts in his will Marlowe began his career as a poet and playwright towards the end of the Renaissance. The Renaissance was the period from about 1350 to 1600 in which European scholars revived the learning of ancient Greece and Rome. It was a period in European history that saw a renewed interest in the arts. In this time, the middle ages and feudal times were transformed into a society dominated by the arts. It was a time of achievements in the arts and sciences as well as a period when people were deeply concerned with religious issues. Renaissance is a French word meaning â€Å"rebirth†. Scholars reacted against what they saw as the â€Å"dark ages† of medieval Europe and revived the learning of ancient Greece and Rome. Like painting and sculpture, literature expressed the attitudes of the Renaissance. The middle class formed a demanding new audience, which enjoyed dramatic tales rather the comedies. Literature was often written in the common language, but some continued to write in Latin. Literature emphasized religious as well as worldly themes. Invention of printing during the Renaissance greatly increased the number of book available. In the fourteenth century, Europeans learned from Arabs who had previously learned from the Chinese how to make paper from rags and wood pulp. The fifteenth century invention of movable type by Johann Gutenberg also shaped the way literature had previously been written. Gutenberg developed a type of metal that could be used to make movable type. In 1455, the first complete edition of the bible was printed; this started the era of printed books. More and more pieces began to be printed up, and thus decreased the cost of books, making them more available and more popular (Beers 245). Each of Marlowe†s play included a protagonist with single passion that dominated them. The character is doomed to destruction due to their desire of power. He had a background of classical and theological learning. Marlowe â€Å"turned blank verse into a supple instrument for dramatic expression†. (Gale Research). Marlowe worked on tragedy and advanced it immensely. â€Å"Marlowe shows the power to view a tragic hero from more then one angle, achieving a simultaneous vision of grandeur and impotence† (Microsoft Encarta). Renaissance impacted Marlowe due to the desire of the middle class for tragedy rather then comedy, which had previously been the focus of European literature. Marlowe was one of the first writers of drama and tragedy that shaped the history of Europe. Marlowe laid the foundation of tragedy of what would rise up as a new era, known as the Shakespearean Era. Writing was a competition and was taken very seriously by writers including Marlowe. Writers are impacted tremendously by the time period that is taken place during their careers. The Renaissance was a time of new ways of writing and expressing ideas, which impacted the attitudes of the people. The writers changed their style to reflect the time and attitudes. They influence the minds of people to think about their ideas and opinions on a particular subject. Writers can persuade people concerning a topic by revealing the positive and negative aspects of it. Marlowe was an influential and powerful writer. It was unfortunate that his career was cut short. He had a very promising career, but his own decision to become a government agent endangered his career and stopped him from becoming an more popular and productive playwright.

Friday, August 30, 2019

American Colonies and Separation from England Essay

When settlers from England came to America, they envisioned a Utopia, where they would have a say in what the government can and cannot do. Before they could live in such a society they would have to take many small steps to break the hold England had on them. The settlers of America had to end a monarchy and start their own, unique, form of government. They also had to find a way that they would have some kind of decision making power. The most important change that the colonies in America had to make was to become a society quite different from that in England. By 1763 although some colonies still maintained established churches, other colonies had accomplished a virtual revolution for religious toleration and separation of church and state. During the mid-1600’s England was a Christian dominated nation; the colonies, however, were mainly Puritans. When Sir Edmond Andros took over a Puritan church in Boston for Anglican worship, the Puritans believed this was done to break their power and authority. The Puritan church in New England was almost entirely separated from the state, except that they taxed the residents for the church’s support. The churches in New England had no temporal power, unlike the church of England. Many seaport towns like Marble head and Gloucester, became more religious as time pasted. This show of religious freedom was a way in which the colonies had religious toleration and differed from the Christian church in England. Unlike the well-defined social classes of England, the colonies had a streamline class structure, which gave individuals the chance to rise on the social latter. New settlers living on the coast could become rich by fishing and selling what they caught. If fishing was not a settler’s strong point, then they could try their hand at farming. Getting the land to farm on was the easy part. The ‘head right’ system gave each male 50 acres, and 50 acres to each indentured servant he might bring over. England could not do this because England so defined the social classes and they did not have enough land that they could give to every male and his indentured servant. In a similar economic revolution, the colonies out grew their mercantile relationship with England and developed their own expanding capitalist  system. The idea of a set amount of wealth in the world and that if one were to become wealthy, he or she had to take from someone who is already wealthy, is basically what mercantilism means. The colonies did not believe this idea in America. They believed that no matter who you were, if you had a good idea for making money you could do so, and without having to take it from someone else. This capitalistic spirit made many men very prosperous, unlike England who tried to force colonial ships to stop at England before they deliver their cargo. This would take money from the colonists and put it in the pockets of England. However, it did not work because the colonies figured out ways to make the raw materials on their ships into useable goods at the colonies themselves instead of at England. The colonies broadened the notion of liberty and self-government far beyond what England had ever envisioned. Through the years certain anomalies occurred, as colonial governments furthered themselves from the government of England. The governors of the colonies got power and certain prerogatives that the King had lost; the assembly of a colony got powers, particularly with respect to appointments, which Parliament had yet to gain. England was too preoccupied by the struggle between Parliament and Stuart Kings, to perfect effective imperial control over the colonies in America. The separation from England by the colonies in America took many years, but ultimately gave the colonists a real sense of freedom. Through small steps like, capitalism, self-government, and a fluid class structure, the colonies slowly, but surely, gained their independence from England. These changes in religion, economics, politics, and social structure illustrate this Americanization of the transplanted Europeans.

Market analysis wood pellets in Germany

To give a clear overview of the possibilities in the wood pellet market is a SWOT-Analysis used. This analysis presents the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the wood pellet market in general (not for a specific company!).Confrontation-matrixIn this matrix are the benefits and the issues around the wood pellet market displayed against each other. This gives a clear overview and a good summery as well about the `Wood Pellets ´ market! Strengths1) Sustainable 2) Renewable 3) Worldwide available 4 ) New and higher employment 5 ) Accessibility. Germany is located in the center of Europe, which is a strength point and offers good possibilities for trading. Germany is very good accessible by water, via seas and channels due to the Netherlands as well.Weaknesses1) High competition against other energy resources. 2) The technology around the production of bioenergy needs more and new inputs to win more energy and make it more favorable and get higher outputs. 3) High inve stment costs in the beginning, to install a combustion furnace at home or in the industry.OpportunitiesA)Wood fuels provides opportunities for new companies to develop B) Producing and the using of wood fuels locally will minimize transport costs C) Wood fuels releases lower quantities of atmospheric pollutants D) It is possible to offset the carbon emissions from burning against the carbon uptake of the trees during the growth of the wood. E) According to the EU ´s policy and the Kyoto-protocol, wood fuels fits very well with the targets3,4,5 -> A The wood pellet industry offers a great opportunity to develop new companies,  and for new and more extensive employment. This counts for all places in the world because wood pellets can produce almost everywhere. For Europe(Germany) it is an great opportunity in special because of the current economic recession and a lack of jobs. 1,2 -> B,C,D,EThe sustainability and renewability of wood pellets fits well with all the European target s due to the Kyoto-protocol. Wood fuels releases lower quantities of atmospheric pollutants compared to fossil fuels. And wood resources are almost all over the world accessible.1,2 -> A,E New technologies are necessary to make wood pellets more profitable compared to other energy resources. But it is a challange for companies to develop in new technologies, which is good for the energy market, employment, and most important the environment!3 -> EBecause of the high investment costs in the beginning for installing a heating system, many people and/or companies choose for other (cheaper) opportunities. But according to the increasing environment issues, it is for the European Union an option to subsidy and promote wood pellet energy.ThreatsA) Extensive market with lots of competition, there are many different energy resources available. B) To create bioenergy/wood pellets, lots of energy is necessary for the production. 1,2 -> A, BSustainability and renewability are increasingly more important because of the global warming and environment issues. This offers a good opportunity for bioenergy. The use of wood pellets could be more and more interesting instead of fossil fuels.1,2,3 -> A,B According to the disadvantages of bioenergy, there are new technologies needed in energy market to make bioenergy more profitable compared to fossil fuels.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Sports have always had a vital role through the performance of teams Essay

Sports have always had a vital role through the performance of teams - Essay Example COSTS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6 3.2.1 Social costs†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6 3.2.2. Economic cost†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7 3.3. Potential risks and constraints†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦.7 4. WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦7 5. MARKETING AND PROMOTION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦.†¦.9 5.1. Website†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 5.2. Social network†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 5.3. Media†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦10 6. NETWORK DIAGRAM AND CRITICAL PATH ANALYSIS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦11 7. GANTT CHART†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦13 8. Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦15 9 references and appe ndix 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Objectively, this competition aims to unite together all students from different university within the country. As one of the leading sports centre in the country, this university has been privileged to hold this year’s Universities National Championship which will be from13th to 16th of July. The arrival date will be 13th with 14th being the opening ceremony, followed by the main activities as from 14th to the final day 16th. The guest of hour for the opening ceremony will be the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education; however, the closing ceremony will be presided over by the minister of Sports. Due to the large number participants and guests the event will require large amount of funding and specialized organization. The female participants will be accommodated in the ladies hostels while the male and coaches participants will be accommodated in male hostels and guest rooms respectively. The main disciple of the events in clued both outdoor and indoor sports for both male and female participants. Indoor sports include; table tennis, chess, karate, taekwondo, badminton while outdoor includes; hockey, football, tennis, basketball, handball, swimming and netball. This plan aims at providing the guidelines of the activities will be performed and associated costs. 2. INTRODUCTION Sports have always had a vital role through the performance of teams, sporting clubs and major athletes that improve the name of the University (Great Britain: Department for Culture, 2007). By increasing the number of staff, students and alumni that participates in the range of sports, recreation and fitness activities has encouraged a balanced lifestyle and hence healthy community. Involvement and participation in sports events and clubs also enhances lifelong connections that hearten the alumni to offers support to the University and ensure that sports remain a core figure in this university. The university’s Sports Strategic Plan has been p repared by the Staff of the University’s sports department with the vision of molding a leading sports centre in the country. (Great Britain: Department for Culture, 2007) This includes provision of participation and qualities services not forgetting more of the participation in the national events. The strategic plan is in accordance to the University’

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Psychopathology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Psychopathology - Assignment Example ce characterized by such feelings to a greater degree than seems warranted by the external circumstances, typically with lack of energy and difficulty in maintaining concentration or interest in life.† Mary’s father had an addictive personality, and was an alcoholic. He was very promiscuous and had known relationships with as many as 9 women that Mary knows of. He was given to physical and verbal abuse, which led to Mary’s mother separating from him when Mary was six years old. Mary’s mother also had an addictive personality and was abusive. After her separation, she moved to London, and the stress of providing for the children brought out her abusive side, till Mary left her house at age 17. Mary has younger siblings who she was responsible for after leaving her mother’s house. This includes brothers as well as sisters. Mary was their primary caregiver till they reached adulthood after they left their mother. Mary has felt protective and responsible towards them as she was the oldest. Mary found it difficult to have relationships as she experienced trust issues – possibly stemming from her parents dysfunctional relationship and eventual separation. She eventually met her present husband, a dentist belonging to a middle class background who convinced her that he would be loyal to her and would never leave her. They have now been married for 17 years; but their present relationship is somewhat distant. She has 2 daughters, who she has devoted all her time to. Her relationships with her daughters are not very healthy at the moment, especially since her elder daughter aged 16, found out that she was pregnant. This incidence was the triggering point that started the depressive experiences that Mary has presented with. Mary comes from a small town culture, but moved to London with her mother at an early age. The middle class notions of propriety were what forced her mother to move to London; but Mary seem to identify with them and holds her family to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Profession of arms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Profession of arms - Essay Example This profession requires years of study and practice. Military Officers need to constantly upgrade their knowledge and use of weaponry in view of advancement of technology. They are responsible for the security to the society, as society has no means to provide for itself, from external aggressions and serious internal threats. From the ethical perspective, a military officer has to win the confidence from many ends. They are the American people, civilian (political) leaders and the junior professionals under their command. Army values are taught but they are also cultivated. It is an important personal as well as the professional issue. Profession of arms is a revered profession. Salary, perquisites and promotions are taken care of well. This is a service of honor and privileges. The ambience in the army cantonments is good and atmosphere of camaraderie prevails which is the hallmark of army life. This profession is hailed as the calling, not a routine job. Keith E. Bonn writers, â€Å"Life in army is colorful, interesting, and rich with friends and experiences. The customs and courtesies help to establish these patterns. The glory of the Army is its fine people and the rewarding associations that may flow in abundance from its work and its life.†(10) Without doubt, the army professionals are prepared to kill; but it is not the killing comparable to the heinous act of a criminal. It is the call of the nation and protection for the society. An army officer remains always ready for the ultimate commitment—one’s life itself! They have a cause for such sacrifices and the hearts for such sacrifices! Therefore, this profession is

Monday, August 26, 2019

Assignment #4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Assignment #4 - Essay Example M butterfly’s criticisms range from arguments or debates over illustration of sexualities and ethnicity, orientalism politics, theatre and performance theories, and lastly the masquerade concept. As such, this essay will explore and analyze the production of M. Butterfly and how it represents Asia through the story, scenic design, costume design, movement, sound, and lights. Three synchronized actors perform a splendid kabuki style dance during the opening scene of the play m butterfly. Their enticing precise movements are elaborately done. Also, their Asian themed masks, makeup and robes are all evident. Just as Asians are stereotyped to be feminine, the actors have a delicate characteristic in their movements. The western nations have a long standing stereotype that depicts Asians as exhibiting a feminine personality unlike their western counterparts who are seen as being more masculine. Additionally, the play depicts the notion of the submissive Asian woman. M Butterfly presents a fictionalized story of a French diplomat who was in a relationship with an Asian, specifically Chinese singer for more than twenty years without actually knowing that his beautiful obedient and submissive lover was actually a male. Gallimard views himself as being clumsy when it comes to love. However, he considers himself to be blessed since he has a devoted beautiful and exotic woman (Liling Song). Hwang employs the term oriental in the play to refer to how the Asians are deemed to be exotic by the west. Unknown to him, Liling is a Chinese spy whose intent was to manipulate Gallimard by extracting information from him concerning the Vietnam War. Hwang in an interview quipped that he was basically interested in the different ways he would create and showcase total theatre. He insisted that he preferred theatre which uses different mediums at his disposal to create keep the audience glued to the play (Hwang et al, 1989). To do this, he incorporated

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Consumption Patterns Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Consumption Patterns - Research Paper Example The consumers market is made of product, price, place and promotion all surrounded by economic, political, cultural, demographic and technological factors. The buyer may be influenced by knowledge, lifestyle patterns, perspectives, taste, character and motivational factors in buying the product. Prior to buying the same product, one may decide to search information about it from various sources, one may look for an alternative product, recognize a problem with the product or decide to buy it later. Purchasing the product can depend on one’s individual taste, brand recognition, dealer, amount of the product, or the time the product is being sold (Boone & Kurtz 287). In the United States, various types of consumer behavior exist among different parts of the country. America has been inhabited by many types of cultures over the years. This immigration has not only formed an outstanding culture but also created various subcultures or ethnic groups within the whole of America. Thes e groups have the same religion, beliefs, heritage and experiences that distinguish them from other members of the society. African Americans and Asian Americans are an example of such groups and compose of around a third of the US population. Hence, their similarities contribute to possession of the same consumption patterns (Hoyer & Falcnnis 323). A minority of the ethnic groups exhibit different behavioral patterns with each group having specific preferences in food, clothing, music, and cosmetics such as skin and hair care products among others. American consumers for instance demonstrate a desire to embrace new fashions as well as frequent shopping compared to others. Media also affects consumption patterns. Some media exist for a specific ethnic group or many subgroups. Hence, it may decide to use the ethnic language to conduct its advertising and promotional campaigns to reach the target audience. Religion brings with it values, and beliefs about various issues such as unders tanding of sex, family life customs, norms and morality. What is consumed is guided by religion, a key concern that should guide marketers in product distribution. Consumers shopping behavior is largely influenced by their different needs and preferences (Meisis & Tait, 123). African Americans African Americans display a large and widespread group that is composed of many subgroups with regard to regions, academic and profession. According to reports, almost 30% of the population possesses 50,000 dollars and above GDP while 46% stays at home majority of whom are single parent families where women are the main breadwinners. On the level of education, almost 15% are college graduates out of the 24% of the whole us population. In terms of consumer behavior, African Americans believe in freedom of life, dressing and presentation. They are very independent and value their culture, which they struggle to maintain as they are mostly less concerned with other groups way of life and do not e asily imitate. Their consumption patterns are grounded on the principles of individual presentation, importance of style and beauty. In relation to the above is the search for recognition and status revelation. In the attempt of describing their fashion statement, African Americans mostly buy the ‘boy’s clothing’. This has made them become targets for commercial advertisers due

Saturday, August 24, 2019

HISTORY - choose 1 of the questions to answer Essay - 5

HISTORY - choose 1 of the questions to answer - Essay Example The Northern states put an end to slavery by the 19th century (Peck 34). Both American and Britain banned slave trade in their countries. As a politician associated to the Republican Party, I strongly supported Lincoln’s idea of eradicating both slavery, as well as the slave trade. By 1860, a majority of northerners became aggravated at the Souths firmness for slavery to be lawful in the Western territories. People in the West and North saw slavery as a unit that needed to be overpowered (Peck 36). The Republican Party argued that the only way slave trade could be conquered was through abolishing it. The Democratic Party supported the South’s use of black Republicanism. The pro-slavery group, created by the Democratic Party, portrayed that the slave trade was gaining power to the United States economy (Peck 36). The risk of slavery growing was a cause of the anti-slavery group in the North. The conspiracy was that the control of the government is exercised by a moderately small number of individuals. The Democratic Party had a common interest in embracing slavery and the slave trade in the South, but the Republican Party did not want to embrace these factors. The Slave Power was an upper crust that alleged slavery was not ethically wrong, but instead a right of the slaveholder. We, North politicians believed that there was a conspiracy amongst the Southern slaveholders to force slavery upon the country. They wanted to wipe out civil liberty, extend slave trade into the territories, perk up the slavery and control the laws of the Federal government. Different opinions from the Northerners, a majority Southerners, viewed slaves as assets of the slaveholder and considered slavery as a Constitutional and legal factor (Peck 38). The slave scheme did not hand out power equally for slaveholders often prohibited state legislatures, media, and education along with economic policies.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Please either agree or disagree with the student Js idea below and Article

Please either agree or disagree with the student Js idea below and support your disagreement or agreement with supporting sources - Article Example It gives a platform for self-evaluation and a basis from which nurses can call for sound work environments that sustain the delivery of competent, compassionate, ethical, and safe care (Guido, 2006). I consent with student J that nursing values and responsibilities ethically, require nurses to be answerable for their practice and account for their actions. Nurses are also expected to preserve dignity by recognizing and respecting the inherent worth of every person. They are expected to respect and promote informed decision-making by recognizing, respecting, and promoting an individual’s right to be informed and make decision. Another value that a nurse is expected to portray is the promotion of health and well-being by working with people so as to facilitate their attainment of highest possible level of well-being and health (American Nurses Association, 2009). Nurses are in a setting of access to health information of individuals. It is expected of them to maintain confidentiality and privacy by safeguarding community, family, and individual information obtained within the professional relationship context. I am of the same opinion with student J that nurses are expected to also provide competent, safe, compassionate, and ethical care. Lastly, nurses ought to uphold justice principles by safeguarding equity and fairness, human rights, and by the promotion of public good (Guido, 2006). In view of the above highlighted ethical responsibilities, I concur with student J that nurses have an enormous responsibility in delivering nursing care to patients safely and without prejudice or passing judgment. Nurses are also confronted with ethical dilemmas; in the case of Ruth, she declines her nursing duties to a homosexual AIDs patient, since according to her beliefs, homosexuality is sin and AIDs is a resulting punishment for homosexual activities. The patient desperately needs nursing care that would facilitate his well-being and health,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The prevention and reform of prostitution in Victorian England Essay

The prevention and reform of prostitution in Victorian England - Essay Example in Burns). Enduring the pains of poverty, these women found themselves incapable of reconciling with Victorian ideals of purity and get into prostitution. For them, earning for a living was more immediate and harsh reality (Cooper 6).However, society and state always put considerable efforts to curb and regulate the practice. The paper discusses different forms of regulations and reforms that were implemented to prevent prostitution in Victorian England. During Victorian age, England experiences economic and social issues which were accompanied by industrialization (Haggard qtd. in Burns).The paternalistic Victorian society was inclined towards wealth accumulation in the form of property and was rigidly divided into classes. Wealth was concentrated in a small upper-class who was ignorant of poverty and poor. Victorians had puritanical conscience when it came to gender and sexuality (Pearson 11). Men and women owned entirely different spheres of society. Public sphere belonged to men while women belonged to private sphere or home(Anderson 13).Those who were outside private spheres were considered public property. According to Rubinstein, absence of factory work, dock and construction workers, sailor population on shore, immigrants and slumming city male experienced women entering into prostitution as profession (11 qtd. in Burns).Economic insecurity compelled even the married women to work as prostitutes during low times of their seasonal works 1(Cooper 30). 1. Major Causes of Prostitution It is often believed that the men who seduced and urged women to get into prostitution were upper-class male and victims (girls) were either very poor or their domestic servants. However, Bartley argues that such ideas of seduction are not more than myth (4).Some stress that men enticed young girls with money and or toys or procured them from brothels by convincing them that they will help in entering the domestic service. Reformers believed that female child between the ages of eleven to fifteen were either kidnapped or lured into prostitution; approximately four hundred men earned their livelihood by doing this. However Bartley doubts any of such causes of prostitution because he asserts they lack evidence, he asserts that most of the girls were convinced by other girls in the trade (4).Drinking is also closely linked with the practice because it lowers the moral values and most women were considered to be drunk when commit it first time. Rescue workers, missionaries, magistrates, policemen, law officials, and reform workers believed that there were complex social, psychological, economic factors are involved, in addition to the idea that prostitutes were the victims of social injustice and male sexual profligacy (Bartley 5).Religious reformers believed in training and reforming girls who repent. They also strengthened the repeal movements (McHugh 187).Numerous evidences; however, confirm poverty and economic reasons as the major contributing factor to prostitution. For instance, a prostitute known as ‘Swindling Sal’ reveals the reason of her coming into prostitut

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Essay Example for Free

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Essay (1)The first thing I would do if I found out I was going to be evacuated from my home is start crying. Knowing that I will be separated from humanity I will also begin to become crazy, knowing what happens too all these people at the camps families suffering and loosing each other by being separated and killed will destroy me. The last hours I have at home I will pack few of my clothes, toothbrush, money, weapons and a journal not a diary because IM A MAN! Why would I pick to bring a journal instead of everything else I might poses you might be thinking is because since I am a man I probably will stay alive and get to write about my daily struggles I will be having in the internment camp. I would be forced to leave behind my phone, my computer, and mostly all my electronics because I wouldn’t want to risk being tracked. My list reveals that I’m going to be weak without all my things that I live on daily this evacuation will change my whole life and family. I actually don’t believe the Japanese Internment compares to the Holocaust, even though everyone has their right to their own opinions I don’t believe they compare. Because so many more Jews were killed during the Holocaust then Japanese being killed in the camps and no offense but the treatment the Jews were given from the Germans were way harsher than the U.S to the Japs. The Japanese had less camps and were given better treatment like food they were sent to these camps so the U.S. could view them and make sure that they weren’t spies. The Jew were sent to the camps and instantly put to work given numbers to represent when they were next to be killed.   Both sides of the internment were one U.S. getting involved was a good idea or a bad one. The United States putting most Japanese into internment camps can be seen as a bad idea because American is known for the Land of the Free. The U.S. putting most Japanese people into camps is definetley unconstitutional it makes people question is America really the Land of the Free? Obviously we know as we read America was just trying to be safe at this time, because in 1942 Roosevelt signs a Relocation in the United States because they believed that the Japanese were a threat to America. We were fighting against them at this time and they just didn’t want threats because they did believe that even though they came to America they still are going  to give information to Japan. That’s why in the book we saw Keikos former teacher be taken away by the â€Å"FBI† because they believed he was a spy. They still got an education, made a low salary and were given food in these camps it wasn’t like they were being slaves. I believe it was a good idea for America to get involved I think they did it smartly too they gave the Japanese camps where they would stay at and have their life I know you’re going to write but it’s not the same they are being forced to move but at this time they were being accused of being spies and doing bad things. Some people also just moved to America and where put into a camp where they can get a place to live, money and food instead of living on the street. It’s also only Japanese people so you’re with your kind. I guess I’m using a Jewish point of view because in our religion we are supposed to only marry Jewish people so I see this as a good thing being together as a race, but also we learn from our past.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Operation Management Report For Alton Towers

Operation Management Report For Alton Towers Introduction In my report to CEO I am going to explain the importance of operational management and how environmental factors affect the operations management then various operational strategies. Explaining the layout of the Alton towers and what the strategic importance of operational management are further more capacity planning, inventory planning and quality control planning. 1.1. Operations management Operations constitutes an essence role in all case by business enterprise, covering a broad chain of actions, not entirely making up, merely whole steps in the general supply/value chains. This let in procurement, stocktakings, adeptnesss, logistics, and statistical distribution. Operations management constitutes the management of the resourcefulnesss, techniques, and systems of rules accustomed translate input signal into end product to produce vendee rate. These courses of study concentrates on trading operations rules and methods utilized through systems contending globally although besides allowing a strong ecumenical masterminding direction ground. 1.2. Main focus of this leisure business As it is obvious from the case study the main focus of the business is to provide there customer the magnificent surrounding, historic legacy, fun and flight of the imagination which suits all ages and tastes. It is clear from this statement is that there main focus of operation is the customer satisfaction and by doing this achieve the Alton tower strategic goals and objective of profit maximization and become market leader in theme park business. To attract the visitor Alton tower new attractions like Oblivion, the Nemesis, Ugland and Energizer. Beside the ride and physical leisure for its customers it contain eating places like restaurants, shops where visitors can buy there desired product of the choice. Instead of shopping and eating Alton tower do organize and conduct exhibition and festival to attract more visitors. Alton tower do succeed in achieving there desired target as shown above in the case study there were over three million visitor in 1998 beside of attraction how Alton tower can gain this in providing their customer quality of services in lower price as Alton tower was charging Nineteen pound of the entrance which is not just entrance fee like other theme park do but this price include use of all rides for unlimited times. They do provide special discounts discount to elder or aged customers and organized parties. For the purpose of offering the high quality of services to its customers Alton tower maintain team of 1800 staff who are performing their duties like operating rides caterers, cleaning and shop supervisors and security purposes. Security department are one and only by the life-sustaining servicing in business sector alike these, Alton Towers could advance itself for a safe park to travel to along concentrating on it is safe record all over the yrs, and whatsoever safe certifications they have received. They could build safe a primary feature for whatever future rides, and promote these information. Alton tower has spent 20 million on these new rides in order maintain attraction of the park between peoples which is part of its ten year development program me. Due to size of the park as it is on 800 acres it is not possible for the visitor to visit the whole park in one attempt therefore they take step to construct the hotel in the park in which they provide comfort services to the visitor where they can stay at night by pay the attractive price which is another step of achieving its strategic objective. Alton vary its fee accordingly in peak, off peak, week days and week ends times in which there was rush of visitors. Alton tower can asses that how well they focus on their operations effectively by providing questionnaires to visitor and examine the level of their satisfaction and there opinions regarding how it can improve its services. 1.3. Environmental Factor Effecting Operations Management The type of environment within which, the operation functions. The key environmental variables for operations managers are: *Volume-refers to the number of times that an operation has to deliver a service or product. The combination of specialization, standardization and high volume and high volume also usually opens up the possibility of using technology to perform the task *Variation-describe the pattern of the volume demands. If there are many peaks and troughs in demand the situation is said to be one of high variation *Variety-is the term applied to the number of different types of service or product demanded. High variety environment s require different services or products on a frequent basis, whereas low variety demands look for the same output for most of the time There are several environmental factors that affect the business operation in an economy. They are classified into internal and external factors. The internal factors are those which relates to organization internal environment that can be under the control of the organization like its culture leadership and manufacturing processes. On the other side the external factors includes social environment, political, rivals, government bodies, rules and regulation issued by the regulating authorities like accountancy standard board etc. Environmental issues in the case The 1st issue that create environmental issue arise in 1924 when its operation was bought by Alton tower after that it was under the hold of army during the period of war. War destruction totally destroy the park as we are aware of the during and after war side effect on the local environment it was in poor condition when it handed over to Alton tower again for refurbishment it cause major effect to environment. As there is no way to mitigate the affect of such event as it arise such event are out of control of organisation, as its obvious during war period its impossible to protect any area and property. Therefore the one action is to control such events is in hands of government and their relation with other countries. 2nd impact was made by the technological era as the installation of new rides in park beside of customer and visitor attraction does have environmental issue as well like sound pollution, cutting trees and machinery waste pollution to environment. It can be mitigated by trying to preserve my natural resources like by instead of destroying they can be move them to alternative places which will overcome the overall impact to least level. Using such technology which was closer to sound reduction and produce minimum waste. Finally, as Alton tower has invested potential amount of money for new ride. Mostly rides was indoor and few which are outside is due to its limitation to cover them as this will cost the Alton tower major cost on the other hand it will destroy the natural things as well. It would have social issue as well as the visitor came there to entertain themselves with naturalistic environment. Another weather issue as the park is closed between November and February. This factor is also out off control of Alton tower as it is weather that prevent the visitor to come there one way it to create as much indoor facilities that protect the visitor from the tightness of weather as this step will cause massive investment as well agree the visitor to come which will happen only by huge marketing policy and attractive packages like reduction in price which I think is not cost benefit strategy for Alton tower as this will increase its cost but reduction in profitability. But most indoor concerts can b e organised there to attract the visitor to come and entertain themselves from it. Task 2 2.1. Various operation strategies At the mind of operations is the idea of transformation (output). Inputs are acquired, and the operations process converts them into outputs. Operations strategies in bare: Operation implies driving matters finished. Operation management comprises significant because its causative dealing administration resourcefulness. Operations are an day-after-day action. Strategy constitutes course to accomplish organisation long-run targets. Operation strategies are referred on correcting of aims for operations by whole procedure. Theres accented relationship betwixt operations and functions. There are all of the time hazards of dispute tween operations and functions. Because commercializing objectives to fulfill clients demands and expect operations to offer diversity, intensity, speed and higher quality service. This will direct to lower effective servicing till an contingent operation strategy is designed to conciliate and associated on additional roles by administration. All procedure experiences it is strategically target also equally operational objectives. E.g. Commercializing functions strategically target aspirant selecting cost, advancement etc and operational side implies daily tactics inward providing service. Operations strategies let in administration set up strategy, localization strategy, man resource strategy, marketing strategy, hence all functions of organization has operations responsibility in addition to equally long-run. 2.2. Evaluate and analyse the operation strategies adopted by the business. I am going to evaluate the operational strategies of Alton tower under following headings. Product and services Process and technology Capacity and facility Human resource Quality Product and services Under this operation strategy I believe that Alto tower are offering the design there services according to need and understanding of the taste of the Visitor so they are fully fulfil the need of the users of those services. Alton tower has installed new rides in park like Oblivion, The Nemesis, Runway mine train and haunted house etc. These are the products that meet the international standards and provide its user adventure and thrill they are willing to obtain from it. Alton tower has invested 20 million which is part of ten year program in which they are planning to launch new products and services for their users. There are few age and height restriction for the visitor which on one hand is in best interest of the user but if we see it from the user point of view some of them was not satisfied with this discrimination. Not only ride if we look at other services like shops amusement parks, live entertainment and exhibitions these are all fall in the services that Alton Tower are offering to its Visitors to entertain them and meet the expectations. Therefore I think Alton tower are fully active in its product and services operational strategy. Process and technology Alton tower was offering there customer Professional services in each section like ride operators, caterers, cleaner, shop assistant, supervisors and security personnels. Professional and trained operator was handling the rides which include the speed and safety measures for the visitors. Therefore visitors consider themselves to be safe when they using the ride as the feel they are under safe hands. Services like catering and shop supervision providing to elderly visitor who was unable to take ride can entertain them selves from the services that meet the highest level of quality their priority was customised to visitor need. In each process Alton tower are using the latest technology in offering these services. Capacity and facility In 1998 Alton tower entertained over three million of the visitors and they are planning to increase this annual volume of visitor per year for this purpose they installed new rides as described before to attract more visitors toward Alton tower. As explained in case study during east bank holiday the visitor reaches to 40000 and through out summer this limit sustain to 30000. Alton tower has so much area which is left as for exploring that can be utilise for further activities. There fore Alton tower do pass this operation management strategy of capacity and facility in order to hold the capacity it has develop market and shop exhibition hall where they can facilitate the visitors. Human resource In order to fulfil this strategy objective Alton tower recurit1800 staff members and more as needed during the peak time. As their is limited explanations of human resource policy in case study however Alton tower need to provide training for operating new ride installed in the park before its opening and they need to have policy to treat each member of staff equally and paid standard for like paying them on hourly basis or monthly basis. Teams should be maintain to support each different areas of theme park and task should be assign to them and proper supervision held on them so that they are performing their tasks accordingly. Bonus and post employment benefit schemes should be launched so that employees consider there future safe and offer highest level of quality in their work. Quality In this business the quality is extremely important as ride need regular maintenance because it raise health and safety issues. It is Obvious from the case that Alton tower in maintaining quality in each business services. 2.3. Strategic importance of operations management Each and every decision and strategy implementation was imposed from strategic level in every business. Therefore it is vital at strategic level to know whether there strategy was successful at operational level and it is the operation management responsibility to strictly implement instruction to achieve the desired targets. Operation management deal the day to day activities of the business therefore report on regular bases to strategic level the stage of completion on there strategy and if there are any problem arise at operational level that need careful consideration. Task 3: 3.1. Factors affecting the design of product and services and benefit gained from good design Operations managers have to consider factors like the nature of demand, the degree of vertical integration, flexibility, degree of automation, and quality level and degree of customer contact while making process design Nature of Demand: Organization need to produce products or design the services according the expectation of the customers. Schedule need to be made in order to produce product and services on time by take in to consideration the seasonality, growth in trend and demand of customers. Influence of demand patterns The demand pattern of the product and services are varying due to following factors influence like seasonal factors. For example demand for ice cream rise during summer season and air conditioning etc. Influence of price level Mostly customers demand more products at cheaper price, as they are price sensitive this will affect on the design of product and services. Degree of vertical integration: Vertical integration is degree in which determine the degree of product and services can produced internally. There are two types of integration: Forward integration is expansion of organization product to different chains and different markets. Backward integration organization tries to expand backward to source of supply. Flexibility: Organizations have to be flexible in order to increase or maintain their market share. In order to meet the flex demand of the customers organization need to be flexible in its operations. Flexibility can be broadly classified into: Product/service Flexibility and Volume Flexibility etc. Degree of automation: Despite the cost factor of implementing the automation operation management should focus on the automation for their production processes. This will reduce the labor cost and speed up the process of production. How ever the level of quality demand by the customers also impact upon the cost factors. Benefit of good design Below are 5 points to remember in order to assess the usefulness and potential success of a design. It can be adapted to specific design professions, even projects and used as a checklist. Benefit of good design includes: It should meet the desired objectives. It meets the desired quality standards. Customer is satisfied with the quality of service. Automation increase the processing time and reduce the labor cost. Customer is satisfied with the price of the product and services. 3.2. Discuss layout of Alton tower: Facilities Available at Alton Towers Resort: Through out the park 8 cash machines are installed which can be used by the customers for withdrawals of cash. Gift Shops. Push chair hire at Guest Services. Wheelchairs take into service for disabled guests, available from Guest Services. Lockers at Guest Services. First Aid is between the Towers Restaurant and Sky ride Station. Toilets are expediently situated in a multiplicity of spaces all the way through the park. Restaurants, bars and cafà ©s are as well situated right through the park. 3.3. Work measurement Work measurement is concerned with the relationship between units of output and resource time. It provides the factor that converts units to time and vice versa. According to Jack Greene view in the time study and work measurement. Work measurement is the place to start, for any organization where people or machines contribute to output, customer service, or cost. Work measurement also provides tools to manage your business better †¢ calculate actual capacity the operation can produce †¢ develop standard cost models for products and services †¢ justify equipment and automation acquisition †¢ meet the Sarbanes Oxley Act for financial understanding of costs †¢ adjudicate disagreements about workload, assignments †¢ analyze variance to find problems †¢ estimate potential benefit from changes beforehand According to Institute of management services: Work measurement is the process of establishing the time that a given task would take when performed by a qualified worker working at a defined level of performance. There are a variety of ways in which work may be measured and a variety of techniques have been recognized. The essential practice, irrespective of the particular measurement technique being used, consists of three stages; an analysis phase in which the job is separated into suitable, separate components, normally known as elements; a measurement phase in which the exact measurement technique is used to establish the time required to complete each element of work; a synthesis phase in which the different elemental times are added, together with appropriate allowances to construct the standard time for the complete job. Task 4: 4.1. Capacity planning In the case after the three million visitors in 1998 Alton tower took plan too increased this capacity for this purpose it had invested 20 million for extension of park, for this reason it installed new ride to attract the new visitors and in order to cope with the increased volume of visitor it constructed magical hotel where visitor can stay day and night during there visit and increased the number of shops and recruit additional staff to serve the visitor in efficient way. For capacity planning demand need to be forecasted ahead in order to analyse that demand meet the capacity of the company product and services. Demand can be converted into capacity by inserting time requirement. Or following method of capacity planning can be used to support the demand. Level capacity plan: in which capacity remains same it will not alter with the change in demand. Chase demand plan: in this expand the capacity with the increase in volume of demand through increase the shift and no of staff to cope with this. Manage demand: demand will be managed to deal with the capacity. In Alton tower case they have adopted chase demand plan for capacity planning as the increase the number of rides and shops and to handle the volume of demand they recruit the addition staff to fulfill the demand or volume of visitor. 4.2. Inventory planning Method Economic order Quantity (EOQ) The economic order quantity is the number of units that a company should order in an order to reduce the cost of inventory. Costs include cost of storage, cost of holding and cost of shortage. Benefit of EOQ is ongoing review of the inventory system it help to calculate the reorder level which help the business to determine what to order and how many time and who often to reorder to minimize the cost of inventory. Just in Time (JIT) Just in time is producing goods in required demand, in necessary quantity and in necessary Quality require by the customer. By doing this many business improve there return on assets. Cost includes Provide regular training to staff and establishing the policy so that they become flexible. Benefit of using JIT it reduce the operating cost, greater performance through put, higher quality, improved delivery and increase in flexibility. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) ERP provides business the control and visibility in operation to maximize the profitability and to fulfill the customer demand. ERP provides the business to manage there operation with dynamic forecast using formula based production. Benefits totally based on forecasting and inventory planning, easy to use, system is flexible, easy to understand, quick and reduce cost of operation. 4.3. Approaches for project management and quality control The traditional Approach In traditional approach it identifies the step that is going to be completed. It has five steps: Initial stage Planning and design stage Production stage Monitoring stage Completion stage Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) It is the method of planning that mainly focuses on resources like physical and human need to continue the project. Once the resources is final than project are plane and managed to ensure that resources that had planned are ready when critical chain starts and subordination other resources in the critical chain. PRINCE 2 It is information that describes the justification for setting up and continuing a prince2 project. It provides the reason for the project. An outline business case should be in the project. PRINCE2 provide a method for organization project within a plainly clear frame. PRINCE2 describe actions to direct people and activities in a project, how to design and supervise the project, and what to do if the project has to be adjusted if it does not develop as planned. Quality Control Approaches Total quality management This method is beyond the quality assurance under this approach business is concerned by creating the quality culture in the organization in which each employee is aware of quality demand to satisfied their customer. In this method every employee set out to satisfy the customer placing him at the heart of production process. Quality circles These are groups of employees who work on similar task or area of responsibility and sort out solutions for the problems to improve the quality of work. This team was head by the manager and supervisors which also improve the employee morale. Benchmarking In this method organization find out the leading competitor in the market who are performing at optimum level in there production and service areas, in order to benchmark its operation so that to stay level with the competitor. 5.1. Just in time: The first most suitable strategy of Toyota is just in time inventory. It means manufacture automobiles simply when you get the order from client at real time. Toyota Company establishes just in time inventory idea and gives benefit to its respected clients by providing excellence automobiles. The main advantage of just in time is help to run the Toyota companys manufacturing operations most easily and without wasting the raw material by estimating that what is required, when is required and how much amount is required in order to finish the given project. Basically, the main attitude behind just in time scheme of Toyota is removing wastes; decrease waste material and unreasonable requirements resulting in improved output. Kanban System: The Toyota Kanban system is one of the controlled developed inside the Toyota production system (the way we make things). The Toyota production system is exclusive and unmatched. The thinking after it and way of execution has been perfected after long years of test and mistakes. In a nutshell it is also a structure of construction based on the attitude of whole removal of waste that asks for highest in rationality in the way we create equipments. And it can be named as Toyota style production scheme or Toyota production structure. Only when the Toyota production system in its totality is acceptably conducted, can there be an efficient deployment of Kanban structure. Jidoka system: The word Jidoka appears under total production system of Toyota and it can be talked about as an individual aptitude and automation with a human stroke. The word Jidoka captivating its roots forms Sakichi Toyoda the creator of Toyota Group. The major advantage of Jidoka that excellence must be fabricated in the manufacturing procedure. And major purpose of Jidoka technology in Toyota manufacturing procedure is that device is automatically end when the construction is finished. It also has a purpose that device excellence or equipment problem happens, the device automatically discovers the difficulty at its own and stops, and it stops imperfect products from produced. And due to this simply those products are transported to next procedure which is fulfilling the criteria to transfer into next procedure and excellence of building products of Toyota enlarges with the passage of time without damaging the material. What are manufacturing operations? A manufacturer is an individual, an enterprise, or a body that produces something. Consequently, a produces process is a company or a plant where goods and commodities are prepared. Raw materials are used to produce these goods and are then twisted into complete goods prepared to be sold. A manufacture is an extremely significant factor in the selling procedure because without them, the products we require, utilize and enjoy would not be present. What are service operations? Service Industries comprise those industries that do not generate goods, but offer convinced services. The peculiarity of these industries is that frequently the utilization of the service takes place while it is in the generation. Typically, this segment comprises hospitality, publicity, banking, insurance, consultancy, logistics, etc. Compare and Contrast the Manufacturing industry with Service industry: Manufacturing and service business is frequently altering. Basically, in manufacturing business one can determine the presentation of the product. The presentation could be calculate by building efficient utilization of the product physically, and on the other hand in service industry its bit tough to determine the performance of ones service, because one matter is that it is intangible and it cannot be calculated, but once possible view to measure the performance of service business by captivating the feedback by companys reliable consumers. Productivity is more simply measured in manufacturing as compared to service. Services operations concerned more and through contact with customers rather than in manufacturing operations. Quality standards are simple to create in manufacturing whereas in service industry once quality is not easy to evaluate. Manufacturing operations can increase or decrease the finished goods record levels in respond to alter consumer demand pattern while servi ce operations cannot increase or decrease the customer demand models. Services can also comprise support operations which are also shaped and stocker rather than developing operations. Online actions are finished in services operations which fits to consumer rather than in manufacturing operations. Conclusion: The goal of this report satisfy importance of operations management and I have experienced the role of operational management in vital in any organization operational management is responsible for implementing the strategic orders and their implementations. I build up the understanding the key factors affecting the product design and strategic importance of operation management. I build my understanding of different planning techniques for capacity, inventory and quality control. It has enabled me to set goals and take the actions that will lead to best and desired destination.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Level of Stress in Final Year Students | Research

Level of Stress in Final Year Students | Research Level of stress in Final year MBBS students at Rural Medical College: A Cross-sectional Study. Shelke Umesh S1, Kunkulol Rahul R2, Narwane Sandeep P3 Abstract: Introduction: Stress, defined as an imbalance between environmental conditions necessary for survival and the ability of individuals to adapt to those conditions, has a high prevalence in MBBS students. A variety of stressors play a significant role in developing stress. Objective:  To study the level of stress and stressors responsible in Final MBBS students of Rural Medical College, Loni. Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was carried out in 100 students (50 of either sex) willing to participate in the study. They were subjected to fill the Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire, which consists of 40 questions for evaluating the stressors and severity of stress perceived by the subjects.  Results: 71% subjects’ perceived moderate stress, while 13% and 16% perceived high and mild stress respectively. Academic stressor counted for moderate stress in 63% and high stress in 24 % of subjects, which was higher than other stressors. Conclusion: Academic stressors bein g the major stressor perceived,Strategies are required to decrease the burden of academic stress in the students. Introduction Stress is defined as an imbalance between environmental conditions necessary for survival and the ability of individuals to adapt to those conditions1.Studies have revealed a high prevalence of stress in medical students, ranging from 30% to 50%2-7. Learning a lot of new information in relatively short time, with pressure of exams,cause development of stress in medical students 8. A stressor is defined as a personal or environmental event that causes stress9, 10. Stressors of medical students can be grouped into academic related, intrapersonal and interpersonal related, teaching and learning-related, social related, drive and desire related and group activities related stressors3. One or more of such stressors might act at the same time and contribute in development of stress among students. Excessive amount of stress in medical training predisposes students to have difficulties in solving interpersonal conflicts,sleeping disorder, decreased attention, reduced concentration, temptation to cheat on exams, depression, loss of objectivity, increased incidence of errors, and improper behavior, such as negligence. Stress may also manifest in the form of headaches, gastrointestinal disorders, coronary heart disease, impaired judgments, absenteeism, self-medication, suicidal ideation, depression and the consumption of drugs and alcohol11,12. A few studies in India have studied the prevalence of stress and stressors responsible in medical students. The present study (references from folder Indian references) was planned to study of stress in last year medical students at Rural Medical College. Methods A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted with a study population of 100 medical students (50 of either sex) in III MBBS from Rural Medical College, Loni, Ahmednagar. Duration of the study conducted form 1stFebruary 2014 to 1st March 2014. IEC approval was taken before the commencement of study. Students who were ready to give consent were enrolled in the study and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. III MBBS students of either sex consenting to participate were included in the study. Students not ready to participate or of other year were excluded from the study. The participants were subjected toMedical Student Stressor Questionnaire (MSSQ)3 The MSSQ consists of 40 items representing the six stressor domains.Each item were answered in the form of score as The 40 items were divide into sections A(20 items) and B(20 items) respectively. Total score of A and B of each domain were divided by following value and results were interpreted. 1. Academic related stressors (ARS) =13 2. Intrapersonal and interpersonal related stressors (IRS) =7 3. Teaching and learning-related stressors (TLRS) =7 4. Social related stressors (SRS) =6 5. Drive and desire related stressors (DRS) =3 6. Group activities related stressors (GARS) =4 Interpretation: 0.00-1.00 causes mild stress 1.01-2-00 causes moderate stress 2.01-3.00 causes high stress. 3.01-4.00 causes Severe stress. The mild type of stress means it does not cause any or mild stress. The moderate type indicated that it caused reasonable but manageable stress. The high type of stress indicated lot of stress and causes emotional disturbances and mildly compromises daily activities. The severe stress indicates severe emotional disturbances and compromise of daily activities. Statistical Analysis: Data were analyzed by Chi- square test. Results: Moderate type of stress due to academic related stressors was commonly seen in final year MBBS students in both genders. 33% females and 30% malesshowed Moderate type of stress. 15% femalesshowed high type of stress as compared to 9% in males.Severe type of stress was seen in one male. 80% of males and 96% of females suffered from moderate, high or severe type of stress due to academic related stressors. (Table 1) Table: 1Distribution between Academic related stressors (ARS) and Gender Value of χ ² =7.976, d.f. = 3, significant, p By applying g Chi-square test there is a significant association between ARS and gender (p Table: 2 Distribution between Intrapersonal and interpersonal related stressors (IRS) Table 2 showsfrequency of stress due to IRS. Moderate type of stress due to intrapersonal and interpersonal related stressors in final year MBBS students was high in both gender. 29% females and 25% males showed moderate type of stress. 10% malesand 8% femalesshowedhigh type of stress due to intrapersonal and interpersonal related stressors. 70% of males and 74% of females suffered from moderate to high type of stress in this category. Table: 3 Distribution between Teaching and learning-related stressors (TLRS) and Gender. Value of χ ² =3.226, d.f.=2, significant, p By applying g Chi-square test there is a significant association between Teaching and learning-related stressors (TLRS) and sex (p Table 3 showed more number of moderate type of stress due to teaching and learning-related stressors (TLRS) in final year MBBS students in both gender. 30% females and 29% malesshowed moderate type of stress. 17% males showed mild type of stress and 9% femalesshowed high type of stress due to teaching and learning-related stressors (TLRS). 66% of males and 78% of females suffered from moderate to high type of stress. Table: 4 Distribution between Social related stressors (SRS) and Gender Table 4 displays more moderate type of stress due to social related stressors (SRS) in final year MBBS students in both genders. 28% females and 26% males showed moderate type of stress. 20% malesshowed mild type of stress and 8% femalesshowed high type of stress due to social related stressors (SRS). 60% of males and 80% of females showed moderate to high type of stress. Table: 5Association between Drive and desire related stressors (DRS) and Gender Value of χ ² =3.648, d.f.=3, significant, p By applying g Chi-square test there is a significant association between Drive and desire related stressors (DRS) and sex (p Table 5 shows more subjects showing mild type of stress due to drive and desire related stressors (DRS) in final year MBBS students in both genders. 31 % males and 24% femalesshowed moderate type of stress. 19% femalesshowed mild type of stress, 5% femalesshowed high type of stress and 2% femalesshowedsevere type of stress due to drive and desire related stressors (DRS). 38% of males and 52% of females showed moderate to severe type of stress. Table: 6Association between Group activities related stressors (GARS) and Gender Table 6 showed more moderate type of stress due to group activities related stressors (GARS) in final year MBBS students in both gender. 22 % males and 23% femalesshowed moderate type of stress. 21% malesshowed mild type of stress, 8% femalesshowed high type of stress and 1% malesfemalesshowedSevere type of stress due to group activities related stressors (GARS). Table 7 Stressors according to rank of mean degree of stress perceived by medical students. Test and examinations was the only item that caused moderate to high stress among students. All other items fell under the category of mild to moderate stress except working with computers and talking to patients about personal problems. Table 7. Stressors according to rank of mean degree of stress perceived by medical students (by MSSQ) Degree of stress classification: 0 1.00 is ‘causing nil to mild stress’, 1.01 – 2.00 is ‘causing mild to moderate stress’, 2.01 – 3.00 is ‘causing moderate to high stress’ and 3.01 – 4.00 is ‘causing high to severe stress’ Discussion MSSQ having a high score in a particular stressor group generally indicates that the subjects perceive events, conditions or situations from that particular group as causing the subjects stress. The scores, however, do require frank and honest response in order for it to be of any use. The scores are also affected by factors which can falsely increase or lower the scores, but generally the validity and reliability studies have indicated that the scores from the questionnaire are highly trustworthy.8 Personal and environmental events that cause stress are known as stressors9,10. Stressors of medical students are grouped into six categories. Academic related stressors refer to any event related to the academics of the students.Interpersonal and intrapersonal related stressors refer to any form of relationships between and within individuals that cause stress. Teaching and learning related stressors refer to any events related to teaching or learning that causes stress. Social related stressors refer to any form of community and societal relationships that cause stress. Drive and desire related stressors refer to any form of internal or external forces that influence one’s attitude, emotion, thought and behavior which subsequently cause stress.Group activities related stressors refer to any group events and interactions that cause stress13. In present study moderate type of stress caused due all the 6 stressors was commonly seen in both genders of final year MBBS students. Statistically significant difference was seen in males and females with respect to academic related, teaching related and drive and desire related stressors. This difference was also noted in a study by Waghachavare Our study showed 58% of males and 64% of females perceiving moderate to high type of stress. This was high as compared to studies conducted in Malaysia which were 29.1 % to 41.9% in government institutes2,5,6 and 46.2% in a private school6, as measured by GHQ-12.In a study on medical student conducted in GS medical college, it was observed that 73% of students perceived stress15. Zung’sself rating scale for depression was used for the study. In the study by,which used DASS-21 and GAD scales, stress was perceived by 34 % of medical students. There was a significant difference between males and females perceiving stress. The academic related stressor had 63% of population in the moderate type of stress, while it became 88% when moderate to severe type of stress added together. Academic related stressor was followed by intra and interpersonal related, teaching and learning related, social related, group related and drive and desire related stressors. The academic factor was higher stressor as compared to physical, emotional and social factors in the study conducted in GS medical college. Studies have revealed that the stressors affecting medical students’ well-being seem to be related to the medical training, especially academic matters3, 6, 14-19. On ranking the items depending upon the mean level of stress that the students perceived, it was found that the stress related to the academics was highest (Table 7). This finding supports the findings of the study done by Yusoff et al.2 To conclude, the study showed high prevalence of stress among students with respect to different stressors. Academic stressors have significant association with stress among students. Females show more stress as compared to males. Strategies are required to decrease the burden of academic stress in the students. Acknowledgement: Final MBBS students (Batch 2011 and 2012) and Mr. Hemant Pawar (Statistician), Department of Pharmacology Research cell, Rural Medical College (PIMS- DU), Loni. References Rosenham D L, Seligman M E. Abnormal psychology. 2nd ed. New York: Norton; 1989. Muhamad SBY, Ahmad FAR, Yaacob MJ. Prevalence and sources of stress among medical students in UniversitiSains Malaysia [Thesis]. Medical Education: UniversitiSains Malaysia (USM), Mei; 2009. Muhamad SBY, Ahmad FAR, Yaacob MJ. The development and validity of the Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire (MSSQ). ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry. 2010; 11 (1). Zaid ZA, Chan SC, Ho, JJ.). Emotional disorders among medical students in a Malaysian private medical school. Singapore Med J. 2007;48(10), 895-899. 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Monday, August 19, 2019

An Essay Concerning Alias Grace As A Major Piece Of Literature

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The book Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood is a beautifully articulated work of literature. The book presents a Victorian mode spiced up with spooky plot twists. Although the book presents a Victorian mode it is not entirely comprised of Romantic ideals. Atwood is a modern writer who was influenced by the major paradigms of both American and Canadian history. Since she was a child, she was fascinated by the true story of Grace Marks. Grace Marks was a teenage, Canadian domestic worker of the nineteenth century who was convicted upon the murder of her employer (Thomas Kinnear) and his mistress (Nancy Montgomery). In this novel, Atwood reimagines Grace’s enigmatic story. And in doing so, she embodies a signature theme, the injustices of women’s lives which also conveys the literary importance of the book. Also, she portrays the hypocrisy and ignorance of Victorian culture. Atwood also cleverly uses the characters’ conversations to convey topics su ch as prostitution, spiritualism, and treatment for the insane. This is one factor that makes Atwood’s style unique. Alias Grace has a style that is thoroughly logical yet complicated. This is not the case with the author’s tone which remains indifferent throughout the book. And so, this intriguing novel is one of unique style, indifferent tone, a signature theme that conveys the injustices of women’s lives that was influenced by all of the important eras pertaining to both American and Canadian Literature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Atwood presents a style unlike any other in her book, Alias Grace. Throughout the novel, Atwood inserts excerpts from other literary works to help illustrate the very complex Grace Marks. This is not common amongst modern writers. Another aspect that makes Atwood’s style unique, at least in this book, is her change of perspective. The book constantly changes from one perspective to another. Most of the book is either a narrative or a conversation (mainly between Dr. Simon Jordan and Grace Marks). Sometimes the book is in first person omniscient as seen through the eyes of Grace, and at other at other times, the book is in third person in a series of letters (and this is what may seem complicated to the reader). This shows Atwood’s grand creativity. Another aspect regarding Atwood’s style is her creative and descriptive diction. A good example of this can be... ...with one of which is blame. This can be seen in the quote, â€Å". . . once you are found with a man in your room you are the guilty one, no matter how they get in.† This is an example of how the book not only shows the superiority of men but also how women are always the one who get the blame. This was definitely true of Victorian times, and is usually the case today. This quote is very significant in that it foreshadows who will be seen as guiltier between McDermott and Grace when it is time for the trials. And after Grace is found to be guilty, she becomes known as a â€Å"celebrated murderess.† As can be concluded, Atwood’s signature theme in this book deals with the injustices of women’s lives.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The novel Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood is a compelling story of a young woman convicted for murder. The novel is especially unique in its style, and although its tone remains indifferent, it conveys a unifying theme concerning injustices which women must face. And the novel gave Atwood the chance to embrace her fascination with the strong, clever, diligent, talented, thought-provoking, intelligent Grace Marks. And so, Alias Grace is a great book unlike any other.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

King Phillip :: essays research papers

King of Spain, only son of the Emperor Charles V, and Isabella of Portugal, b. at Valladolid, 21 May, 1527; d. at the Escorial, 13 Sept., 1598. He was carefully educated in the sciences, learned French and Latin, though he never spoke anything but Castilian, and also showed much interest in architecture and music. In 1543 he married his cousin, Maria of: Portugal, who died at the birth of Don Carlos (1535). He was appointed regent of Spain with a council by Charles V. In 1554 he married Mary Tudor, Queen of England, who was eleven years his senior. This political marriage gave Spain an indirect influence on affairs of England, recently restored to Catholicism; but in 1555 Philip was summoned to the Low Countries, and Mary's death in the same year severed the connection between the two countries. At a solemn conference held at Brussels, 22 Oct., 1555, Charles V ceded to Philip the Low Countries, the crowns of Castille, Aragon, and Sicily, on 16 Jan., 1556, and the countship of Burgun dy on the tenth of June. He even thought of securing for him the imperial crown, but the opposition of his brother Ferdinand caused him to abandon that project. Having become king, Philip, devoted to Catholicism, defended the Faith throughout the world and opposed the progress of heresy, and these two things are the key to his whole reign. He did both by means of absolutism. His reign began unpleasantly for a Catholic sovereign. He had signed with France the Treaty of Vaucelles (5 Feb., 1556), but it was soon broken by France, which joined Paul IV against him. Like Julius II this pope longed to drive the foreigners out of Italy. Philip had two wars on his hands at the same time, in Italy and in the Low Countries. In Italy the Duke of Alva, Viceroy of Naples, defeated the Duke of Guise and reduced the pope to such distress that he was forced to make peace. Philip granted this on the most favourable terms and the Duke of Alva was even obliged to ask the pope's pardon for having invade d the Pontifical States. In the Low Countries Philip defeated the French at Saint Quentin (1557) and Gravelines (1558) and afterwards signed the Peace of Cateau-Cambresis (3 April, 1559), which was sealed by his marriage with Elizabeth of Valois, daughter of Henry II.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Explore the Different Types of Love Shown in Wuthering Heights

Explore the different types of love shown in Wuthering Heights Pages 70 -75 The love shown in Wuthering Heights on pages 70-75 is not only those of morality love, but also love that aches, and both types are each, for a different man. The simpler of the two is that of which Catherine feels for Edgar. Having chosen to marry Edgar, through no other reason than it is moral option; Catherine feels no true love towards him. When conversing with Nelly, and questioned on just what it is that Catherine loves about him, it is apparent, that she struggles to find an emotionally invested response.The responses that she does return to Nellys question, consisting of the adjectives, ‘handsome’, ‘pleasant’ and ‘rich’ all show that Catherine feels for Edgar’s appearance, which is also evidential later in the passage; ‘He is young and rich now, and I have only to do with the present. ’ This further shows the reader that Catherine’s lov e for Edgar is far from reliable, nor worth losing Heathcliff over. Catherine’s fight between both her heart and her head causes her to feel that Nelly is taunting her and doesn’t understand the dilemma of her situation; ‘but if you will not mock at me, I’ll explain it.. and further mentions that she can only give a small insight of how it is she feels; ‘I can’t do it distinctively. ’ The fact that Catherine feels quite apprehensive towards letting Nelly in on her ‘secret’, a secret in which she and she alone feels ownership over, which fails to include Heathcliff’s feelings toward her, shows that this love, the love for Heathcliff, is much harder to explain, hence she can find no words to describe it, compared to that of her love with Edgar.She later goes on to explain how in a dream, she visions herself in heaven and how she ‘broke her heart with weeping to come back to earth†¦ ’ This could be con sidered a vision into the future, in which due her decision, the decision to marry Edgar, she would eventually be in heaven, but without Heathcliff. Yet again, reference to how she cannot describe that it is Heathcliff she cannot live in death or life without and how it is Heathcliff of which she feels the strongest love towards, is apparent.Further into the extract, Catherine finally is truthful to Nelly on how she truly feels, and how those feelings are towards Heathcliff. Yet, although she is honest, she stills refers back to how she should be moral, ‘It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff; so he shall never know I love him. ’ How Catherine admits her love, although may not have been best said, the fact that she can say she loves Heathcliff, and with such emotion and sadness, shows that a truer love runs through their relationship, compared to that she has with Edgar.She later says that Heathcliff is more herself than what she is. This reference, of two people livin g like one, shows furthermore, that their love is stronger, and more possessive, a love in which two people cannot be themselves without the other. Heathcliff’s love for Catherine is briefly described by Nelly to Catherine, in which her honesty startles her. Enlightening Catherine to exactly what it is Heathcliff would lose; ‘a friend and love, and all! ’ further distresses Catherine, in which she reveals her true reasons for marrying Edgar, which are to help Heathcliff.Although the plan, as Nelly describes as nonsense, would fail to ever work, the reason in which she has made the plan, in order to rescue Heathcliff from her brother, shows that they’re love runs deeper still. The deepness in which in runs, in which she feels it is her duty to save Heathcliff from his perils rather than marry him as he is, shows how Catherine idioticness and young, foolish mind cannot comprehend how she should react to her feelings for Heathcliff. Pages 146 -149 In pages 14 6-149, it is made clear to us that Catherine, clearly ill, is sure to die, and requests that Heathcliff be by her side.This instantly shows that a dying person last wish, in some cases, would be to be near those they love dearly and truly, and in this case, Catherines is Heathcliff. His love for her is also apparent, ‘he bestowed more kisses than ever he gave in his life before’ through the amount of kisses sent upon her. His love through his actions for her as she lays dying, is also further insight as to how he’s felt about anyone else, as the amount of kisses he places upon her, are more than those for anyone else, and most likely, those that mean more.The use of ‘earnestly’ shows yet again, the possessiveness they share for each other and how one can surely not bare to see the other in weakness, not knowing that it is their love, that has made them weak towards each other. Even as Catherine continues to lie dying, she tortures Heathcliff by not r evealing her feelings truly to him, the feelings she holds so tightly for him, jokingly mentioning that him and Edgar ‘have broken her heart. ’ The quotation, possibly meaning that having chosen Edgar over Heathcliff, and Heathcliff’s departure, that he broke her heart, and by still choosingEdgar, he broke hers by not being able to love Heathcliff truthfully, yet it could also mean that by living with Heathcliff and by leaving him in her death, she will have lost him both to Edgar, and therefore her heart has been broken twice. Further reference to how the two loves cannot live by themselves, is that of when Heathcliff exclaims how he ‘could as soon forget her as his existence. ’ The continued reference of two hearts that can only live as one, constantly runs through their story, making their love the most powerful in the whole two-parted story.Catherine then goes on to admit that she cannot wish to be parted from Heathcliff once more. Referred to as ‘Mrs Linton’ during the scene yet again, shows how they have been parted in live, as the name ‘Linton’ is a constant reminder of how Catherine's blindness encouraged her to choose loyalty and morality, over true love. During Catherine's death, Heathcliff requests to know why she ‘betrayed her heart’ and why if ‘she’d loved him, what right she had to leave him’.Catherine’s response to Heathcliff's begs for answers are that she is dying for her mistakes, and she believes that her death is due to her bad decisions made in life, that she is forced to live without Heathcliff in the most harshest of ways. The love between Heathcliff and Catherine is apparent from the beginning, and it is also clear that she doesn’t share the same love for Edgar as she does for Heathcliff. A love of which aches, and turns individuals mad in their own lives, is the strongest in the book and especially in these scenes. A love of morali ty compared to that of a possessive, true love, wins no prizes in a competition.