Saturday, May 11, 2019

Employee Training in Domtar Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Employee Training in Domtar - Research Paper ExampleTheir training would enhance them with skills in the way that they can make efficient strategic goals and how to implement the goals. The employees should be organized according to their levels or ranks in the company. The different groups should be trained differently (Bari, 2000). The learning objectives in Domtar Company would be to truncated costs. The costs go away be cut if the processes of the company are efficient. The otherwisewise objective would be to check a positive customer relationship. The customers should be considered before the company makes any decision and their satisfaction should be the source of any decision made. The other objective of the training should be to make feasible decisions that will ensure the prosperity of the business.The organizational constraints that whitethorn be incurred in the learning process may allow finances. The learning process is an expensive process, hence the cost factor m ust be considered. The company may not be willing to invest a lot in employee training and that should be avoided. The other constraint may be the time constraint. In the course of the training, the operations of the company must as well continue, that means that time available will be minimal. The learning should be organized in a way that the sessions will be accommodated in the normal working schedule of the company. The other constraint that may exist will be resistance from employees. The constraints can be addressed by the employees been told the importance of the training. The other way the constraints can be addressed would be by the company providing resources that are useful in the training.

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